Baby care after one year

They may gain around 3-4kgs during 1st year. An average 15-month-old girl weighs about 22 pounds (10kgs) and 31 inches tall. Boys tend to be about a pound heavier at 15 months but about the same height. By 2nd year, girls or boys will about 34 inches tall and 27 -28 pounds (12-13kgs) on an average weight.

Baby care after one year

Babies this age are developing a real personality. She/he hugs you and loves you as their way. They are smiling when they feel happy and laugh loudly.

Sleeping habits

During the ages of 1 year to 2 year, they requires about 10 to 13 hours of sleep a day. They are sleeping 2-3 hours in day time and 9-10 hours at night.

Feeding habits

[hana-code-insert name=’rectangle’ /]By about 1- 2 year old, your baby should be moving towards eating the same food that all family members are having. Although she may still be getting half or more of her daily calories from breast milk, regular food is helping to balance out their diet.

In the 2nd year, baby’s growth is slowing down and they may add only about 3-4kgs of weight. Teething also can make your baby lose interest in food. Don’t force food on her, but maintain control over her nutritious and healthful snacking between meals and breastfeed. Although you can now start foods like milk, citrus fruits, egg whites, unsweetened yogurt. Cheese is also good for baby, because it neutralizes the acid that forms in the mouth and attacks tooth enamel.

Take care to avoid foods that cause choking like popcorn, carrots, grapes, raisins and whole nuts. Cut or finely chop foods, or simply wait until your baby gets older. 

Height and Weight

They may gain around 3-4kgs during 1st year. An average 15-month-old girl weighs about 22 pounds (10kgs) and 31 inches tall. Boys tend to be about a pound heavier at 15 months but about the same height. By 2nd year, girls or boys will about 34 inches tall and 27 -28 pounds (12-13kgs) on an average weight.

Physical Changes

He/she learns to feeds self with spoon. Now they says bye or hi, claps hands and rolls a ball. From about 18 months your child will be plays alone on floor with toys and will love looking at books.

At about 18 months of age, babies realize that a word does have a meaning. When you ask him, he will point to objects or pictures and hand them over to you. He even points out his eyes, hands, nose, mouth etc if you teach him.


Your child may grow confident and skillful enough to go up and down the stairs alone.

Waking Up With Baby Separation Anxiety

When your baby is wake up during the night several times, may be he/she is not waking up because he’s hungry; but he/she is struggling with separation anxiety. He wakes up looking for you.

  • Encourage him to go to sleep with his toys. This will comfort him when he’s afraid, and reassure him when you’re not there.
  • Go to him when he cries. Try not to turn on the light, rock him.
  •  Talk to him and pat or rub his back to soothe him.
  • Check for a wet diaper or signs of illness.
  • Do your best to leave her with people she’s familiar with.
  • Introduce her to new people and new situations gradually and carefully.
  • Try not to leave her when she’s tired, hungry, or sick.
  • Use a night-light in her room at night. Use only cool night-lights.

Baby Shoes

Before buying the shoes think seasonally — sandals or lightweight shoes for the summer season and sturdier shoes for winter season. Shoes should be:

  • Soft and flexible, allowing your baby to move her feet easily
  • Flat, non-skid soles so she doesn’t slide and fall
  • Soft, porous tops that allow feet to breathe.
  • Check for sizing monthly.

Home Safety As Baby Grows

It will be before your baby begins crawling or taking those first steps.

  • Keep his play area clear of hard, sharp-edged furniture.
  • Lower her crib mattress so she can’t crawl or fall out while she’s standing.
  • Keep poisonous substances (including household cleaners and products) in high cabinets that you can lock.
  • Always close the bathrooms and toilets.
  • Avoid leaving pots containing hot foods close to the edges of tables or counters.
  • Make sure you’ve got safety plugs over all electrical outlets.
  • Buy baby objects that are large enough that they can’t fit them into her mouth.
  • Keep numbers for your baby’s health care provider, the Poison Control Center, and hospital emergency room by the phone so they’re handy in case of emergency.
  • Stray electrical and window-blind cords, missing outlet covers, breakables within your baby’s reach.
  • Don’t keep small items such as coins and other choking hazards on the floor

Signs of Sensitivity to Milk

Some babies are very sensitive to the environment and food. These babies may experience a wide range of reactions, some of which mentioned below:

  • Skin rashes
  • Watery stool
  • Irritability

If you’re formula feeding and if these reactions are due to milk sensitivity, then  consult your baby’s health care professional and take their advice.

Baby Care

Now your baby plays more with other babies and children, he’s more likely to pick up colds and viruses. Contact with your baby’s health care professional if you notice any of the following symptoms:

  • Runny nose or congestion that interferes with eating or sleeping or lasts longer than a week to 10 days
  • Cough that is associated with vomiting or that interferes with sleep
  • Wheezing
  • Unusual fatigue and crankiness
  • Diarrhea or vomiting
  • Decreased appetite
  • Fever
  • Pulling at his ears

You have to give them recommended vaccinations that protect him/her from serious childhood illnesses.

Protecting delicate skin from harm is an important job for a parent. Here’s what you’ll need to know and do.


To keep your baby’s skin healthy, you need to maintain its natural softness and strength. You can use moisturizers. For everyday lubrication, try a petroleum jelly or a gentle moisturizing cream or lotion.


In summer days, dress your baby in lightweight cotton clothing that covers her arms and legs, and make sure she/he wears a hat for every outing. Try to avoid going out when the sun’s rays are strongest, mostly between 10 am to 3 pm.

In winter season, dress your baby in one more layer of clothing to keep her warm.

Newborns baby with little hair may need a cap, especially at night.

To avoid problems:  

  • Wash all new clothes and linens before your baby uses them.
  • For the first few months, wash your baby clothes separately from your other laundry.
  • Use a gentle detergent and a thorough rinse cycle.

Nail Care

Your baby’s tiny fingernails are very thin and sharp and grow fast. You may need to trim them twice a week, because newborns can scratch their faces with their own nails. Use a safe baby nail cutter. You may find nail cutting easier when your baby is sleeping.

Diaper Changing

You should keep your baby as dry and comfortable as possible. Wash your baby clean with a wipe or warm washcloth before diapering. Then apply diaper ointment or petroleum jelly and put on a fresh diaper.

Avoid baby powder — it doesn’t help prevent or treat diaper rash and might be harmful if your baby inhales it.

 Ways to prevent diaper rash:

  • Change diapers frequently.
  • Use a super-absorbent disposable diaper.
  • Spread a thin layer of zinc oxide cream or petroleum jelly over your baby’s bottom as extra protection against wetness.
  • If possible, use the diapers containing diaper-rash-fighting ingredients.
  • Let your baby go without her diaper for a while each day.
  • Change your newborn baby diaper as many as 10 times in a 24-hour period.

Keep in mind that a lot of wet diapers mean your baby is getting enough nutrition and is processing it normally.

  • If you use cloth diapers, be sure to change diaper more frequently.

 The Urination Drill

Babies don’t follow any urination schedule. Newborns have immature bladder muscles that can’t hold urine for longer time. They can wet their diapers anywhere from once an hour to four times a day.

 For the first few days after birth, your baby’s urine will be very pale in color, gradually turning a deeper shade of yellow as it becomes more concentrated. You may find a pinkish stain on your baby’s diaper as well. This is probably concentrated urine, and as long as your baby is wetting four or more diapers a day, it’s nothing to worry about. If this staining persists for a few days, however, or if you spot true blood in the urine or stool, call your health care provider promptly.

Baby care during seventh to twelfth month

Now your baby is taking a more and more active part in life and has become an established member of the family. During this stage the baby develops a great deal physically and mentally. Babies at this age are developing a real personality.

Baby care during seventh to twelfth month

Now your baby is taking a more and more active part in life and has become an established member of the family. During this stage the baby develops a great deal physically and mentally. Babies at this age are developing a real personality.


[hana-code-insert name=’rectangle’ /]This is the age when he starts putting anything he wants to explore, into the mouth. At this age she/he can hold a spoon and is ready to learn to drink from a cup.

Some babies will already be on three meals a day at six or seven months. Others will be on milk feedings only. By the time she/he is having solid food three times a day she will probably be taking only two milk feedings.

As your baby grows more teeth, the consistency of the foods as well as the foods we offer can become more varied.

Physical Changes  

In 6th to 7th month your baby starts Crawling. He/she starts lifting her chest and bottom, supporting her weight on her arms and legs. By 7-8 months they begin to move or wriggle forward on the stomach. You have to encourage him/her to practice crawling by placing a colorful thing or toy in front of them. Between 9-12 months, the crawling becomes well coordinated and fast.

Between 6-9 months of age your baby will learn to sit up without support.

At the end of 7th month, your baby will probably be getting his first tooth. At this time he/she starts biting on his hands or the objects. He may also develop a rash on his chin from saliva, and may get irritable from the discomfort his gums.

You could try giving him a frozen teething ring or other teething toy to chew on to help relieve the discomfort.

By 12 months most of them take their first walking steps with support. During this age they shout most effectively to get what they want.  Now baby can says “mama”, “baba” or “dada”. He/she recognizes several words. They Searches for something if you hide it.

They respond to requests or calling his name. They recognize some parts of their body.

Height and Weight

By 8 months of age, most babies’ weight is around 6.3 – 8.1kg. After the first 12 months, most babies will probably have just about tripled their birth weight and height will be about 28 to 32 inches tall.

Develop a Strong Mind and Body

During this month, your baby’s language, recognition, and social skills are at an important stage of development. Help ensure his development stays on track by continuing to engage him in some of these activities:

  • Chat with your baby every time.
  •  Expose him to a variety of sounds.
  • Singing familiar songs.
  • Reading nursery rhymes.
  • Point to objects and people and name them, so your baby learns new words.

Baby care during fourth to sixth month

Baby can roll over by 5 to 6 months. They can sit unsupported. If you held him/her in a standing position, begins to support the body with the legs. Now he/she plays with hands and feet, moves objects from one hand to the other, Looks, reaches, grasps, and mouths objects in a swift and accurate sequence of movements. Baby can able to Explores 1 object at a time. Increases his/her use of fingers to touch hold and examine objects. Baby is moving his/her arms up and down and side to side. She/he learns hitting, waving, patting, and shaking.

Baby care during fourth to sixth month

 During these months you will see your baby develop into a real personality. When they awake talk with your baby. You can also give her/him an object or a toy in their hand that can keep them engaged for a long time.


[hana-code-insert name=’rectangle’ /]During this stage you will find that he/she is no longer satisfied with the bottle or breast feed. She/he may feel hungry very soon after a feed. By 4-5 months you can slowly start introducing solid food. 

Introduce solid food

Begin with one to two teaspoon of food. Gradually increase the amount of food depending on the baby’s appetite. A small teaspoon of a rice cereal mixed with milk, purees of fruits or vegetables are good beginners. Do not introduce more than one flavor at a time. Introduce one food at a time and wait at least 24 hours before adding a new one. You can increase the amount and thickness of the cereal after some days.

Pick a time when baby is feeling hungry. Her initial reaction may be pushing the food away with his tongue. She may be surprised at the taste and sensation at first.  If she pushes the food out, scrape it up and put the spoon between her lips again.

After several weeks most babies eat twice a day. Always make sure the baby is sitting up to eat and drink.

Healthy Foods for baby

  • Purees of fruit or vegetables
  • Baby cereal 
  • Mashed Bananas, papayas, pears and apples
  • Mashed potatoes
  • Finally chopped Carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, corn and peas
  • Apple juice
  • Finger millet cereal
  • Yoghurt is also good for your baby.

Do not introduce citrus fruits, orange, tomatoes, fish, berries, egg whites, spinach etc. Never add salt to a baby food as even a small amount of salt can cause dehydration. 

Sleeping habits

During this month baby begins to sleep longer at night and sleeps lesser in the daytime. Now he/she will take a  naps 2-3 times a day. 

During the 4th month your baby is rolling over on her/him own, you can’t control her/him sleeping position. It’s still a good idea to keep thick blankets, comforters and pillows out of your baby’s crib.

Physical Changes

Your baby now watches what is going on in all parts of the room, his/her distant vision improves. He/she shows interest in colors. They enjoy looking at themselves in the mirror and the different objects around him/her. Now they spend more time looking at objects they hold. Babies enjoy looking at facial expressions and recognize people.

He knows the differences between angry, happy and sad tones of voice. Your baby is getting better at finding where sounds come from and turn according to that. He likes to hear himself talk.

Your baby coos, gurgles when looking at interesting things or when talked to. He/she laughs and squeals. By 6 months, he can make single syllable sounds such as ma, ba, da etc.

By this time, most babies have developed an awareness and recognition of people around them, and fear of those who are not familiar.

The first time she sits tall, she’ll be leaning on her hands for balance. And in the next two months, she will sit completely by herself and use her hands to play.

Height, Weight and Head circumference

All babies may grow at a different rate. Average weight gain is 0.57 kilograms each month. Average growth in height is ½ to 1 inch each month and head circumference, about ½ inch each month. 

By 6 months, a baby must have doubled his/her birth weight.


Baby can roll over by 5 to 6 months. They can sit unsupported. If you held him/her in a standing position, begins to support the body with the legs. Now he/she plays with hands and feet, moves objects from one hand to the other, Looks, reaches, grasps, and mouths objects in a swift and accurate sequence of movements. Baby can able to Explores 1 object at a time. Increases his/her use of fingers to touch hold and examine objects. Baby is moving his/her arms up and down and side to side. She/he learns hitting, waving, patting, and shaking.

During this stage we have to  help baby for sit up alone and help him/her to pick up small toys, objects.

Tips to Develop Language Skills

Your baby is probably jabbering for a reason, even if you don’t know what it is.

  • Talk to your baby often as you dress, feed, or bathe her.
  • Provide quiet time (turning off the radio and TV) and make him/her learn themselves.
  • Encourage your baby to turn her head toward sounds.
  • Repeat sounds often and trying to get your baby to mimic them back to you.

Baby care in third month

Baby begins to sleep for longer periods at night. Also in this period baby sleeps most of the time during day. He/she will sleep about 14-15 hours (10-11 hours at night and about 3-4 naps during the day). He/she may sleep 3-4 hours between nighttime feedings.

Baby care in third month


Feeding pattern is similar during this period also. Feed him/her every 2-3 hours during the whole day.
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Sleeping habits in third month

Baby begins to sleep for longer periods at night. Also in this period baby sleeps most of the time during day. He/she will sleep about 14-15 hours (10-11 hours at night and about 3-4 naps during the day). He/she may sleep 3-4 hours between nighttime feedings.

Physical Changes  in third month

They turn their head towards sounds. At this stage baby knows difference between male and female voices. Also recognize the difference between angry and friendly voices and react according to that. 

Now your baby is able to look more than 12 inches from her face. Follows objects by moving head from side to side. He/she mostly focuses on brightly colored objects. He/she will smile gurgles and coos, particularly when talked to.  

Your baby will may also spend a large amount of time by jazzing hands. Most of the time, his hands will be open. The act of opening and closing them helps him/ her to pick up toys in next few days.

Height and Weight  in third month

At 3 months, the typical baby weighs 13 pounds (5.5-6kg) and measures 24 inches. But don’t worry if your baby is smaller or larger, it is vary in size and shape. The average weight for a 3-month-old can from 9 to 16 pounds and the average length from 22 to 25 inches.

Movements in third month

They can lift their chin off mattress when lying on their stomach. Holds head steady when held upright. Some kids turn over by the end of the third month.

Tips for Building Your Baby’s Skills

  • Rocking him in a rocking chair.
  • As you hold him, talk softly and look into his eyes.
  • Singing quietly to him before bed.
  • Giving him different textures to feel, such as stuffed animals, plastic toys, etc.
  • Be sure they are not too small and that the pieces can’t be torn off and swallowed, because your baby may put the objects in his mouth.
  • Babies need some quiet time to babble, play, and explore their world, so don’t leave a radio, TV, or stereo on for long periods.

Baby care in second month

At about 6 weeks old, his sleep and wake pattern will begin to become established. During this period baby may sleep 5-7 hours per night in the second month. He/she may sleep 3-4 hours between nighttime feedings. Now she/he has definite waking hours during the day. She sleeps straight. By the time your baby is 6 to 12 weeks old, she’ll probably be sleeping for longer time in the night.

Baby Care in  Second Month

During the second month she/she is developing a daily routine of sleeping and eating.

Feedings advise

During the second month feeds your baby every 2-3 hours.
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Sleeping habits in baby

At about 6 weeks old, his sleep and wake pattern will begin to become established. During this period baby may sleep 5-7 hours per night in the second month. He/she may sleep 3-4 hours between nighttime feedings. Now she/he has definite waking hours during the day. She sleeps straight. By the time your baby is 6 to 12 weeks old, she’ll probably be sleeping for longer time in the night.

Physical Changes in second month

Your baby can follow an object with his eyes as it’s passed over her face. Babies enjoy smiling faces and sometimes smile in return. Now she has a range of facial expressions.

Babies behave differently with the different people. In this stage your baby is attaching and bonding with you and your family members.     

When she/he is happy and ready to play then shows signals like open eyes, relaxed arms and legs, and maybe even a tight, playful grip around your finger, turn and look away.

At this stage compared to the rest of the body, their stomach looks rounded.

Movements in second month

Babies have more control over their movements now.  They start to lift their heads briefly when lying on their stomach and have some control over the neck muscles. They reach for things with their hands and kicks arms and legs up in the air.

Baby care in first month

First month is very critical to mother. She has to understand the new born baby’s feeling. Little baby not able to talk with us, hence we have to know all the things which are necessary for our new born baby’s growth. She/he is crying if feels uncomfortable. Our baby is entering into the new world. It will take time to adjust him/her in the new environment. Till the time it is our responsibility to take care the baby and understand the things which are necessary for the baby’s care.

Baby Care in First Month

 A baby is the precious gift given to you by god. This innocent blessing needs a lot of care and attention until it adjusts itself fully with the world.

First month is very critical to mother. She has to understand the new born baby’s feeling. Little baby not able to talk with us, hence we have to know all the things which are necessary  for our new born baby’s growth. [hana-code-insert name=’rectangle’ /]She/he is crying if feels uncomfortable. Our baby is entering into the new world. It will take time to adjust him/her in the new environment. Till the time it is our responsibility to take care the baby and understand the things which are necessary for the baby’s care.


The first milk

The first milk secreted by the mother is called COLUSTRUM. A mother’s milk contains the right amount of fats, proteins, sugar and water essential for the growth and development of the newly born baby. Through breastfeeding the mother also feeds some antibodies to the baby which increases the immunity of the baby and protects them from various viral and bacterial infections. The breast milk is easy to digest.

Breastfeeding develops a strong bond between the moms and their newly born baby.

Breast milk is considered to be the most beneficial and healthy food for the newly born. It is the perfect nutritional and provides all dietary requirements of a healthy baby. During the first two or three days after they are born, most babies seem fairly sleepy and do not need frequent feeds. But after the first week they will require feeding every 2-3 hours. They are sleeping 3-4 hours between nighttime feedings. She/he will suck her fingers if not the nipple comes in her mouth. 

Your baby’s digestive system is incapable of absorbing and digesting solid food until he/she is at least three months old.

Tips for Feeding

  • Talk softly to your baby while you feed.
  • Feed him frequently, in small amounts. A newborn baby requires small amount of milk in the first two or three days. Feed him/her every 2-3 hours.
  • Recognize signals from your baby that shows he/she is hungry. When they want milk, normally they are doing lip smacking, tongue movement, and eye fluttering. Crying is a late signal of hunger.

Sleeping habits of first month old baby

In first month baby sleeps from 17-20 hours per day. She/he will take about 8 naps per day. There is usually no regular pattern of eating or sleeping. In the first week he/she feels and react like same way as he/she was in the womb. 

Newborn babies not follow any sleeping pattern. Their sleeping time not depend on the day or night. But they require 17-20 hours sleep per day in first month. Your baby will probably sleep for two to three hours. Their daily routine is like sleep, wake up, eat, and go to sleep again. They are trying to be adjusting in the new environment.

Physical Changes  during first month

At this stage they may develop fussy crying after 2-3 weeks for a few hours. During this time feeding is the only thing that makes baby comfortable if she/he is irritant or crying.

During the first months, babies can focus on objects 8 to 12 inches away from him/her. At the end of the first month, most will be able to briefly focus on the objects that are three feet away. He stares at objects, He likes bold shapes and high-contrast objects. He/she may also occasionally cross his eyes in the first weeks.

During the first month he/she can also reacts to sound. Baby turns her head toward the sound or reacts when there is sudden noise in the room. By the end of the first month, few babies will recognize the sound of a familiar voice. A few babies may also begin early squeals and laughter. He may react negatively to loud voices or music.

You can see your baby’s smile while he/she is sleeping. But by the end of the first month, your baby recognizes the familiar faces and smiles specifically directed at them. He loves looking at faces, and your expressions. Babies love the feel of different textures.

His/her skin may be dry and flaky with a rash. Baby boy and baby girl breast tissue may be swollen due to your hormones, which are still in his or her body.

You have to talk softly with your baby. The more you talk to your baby now, the more likely he’ll enjoy being talked to or read to later.

Movements in first month

She/he is wobbly all over, cannot keep her head straight and it keeps rolling to one side when she lies on her back and arms and legs keeps moving here and there.

Newborn Umbilical Cord Care

You have to take proper care of the umbilical cord. To hasten healing, keep the area dry and exposed to the air by turning the diaper down and shirt up. The cord should fall off between the first and fourth weeks of your baby’s life.

First Baby Baths

During first month avoid daily bathing. Daily bathing can dry out baby skin. Newborn babies don’t get very dirty. Only a sponge bath is needed, until the umbilical cord has fallen off . After that, two or three baths a week are plenty.

Prevent stretch marks during pregnancy

It is the symptoms which occur during the pregnancy when our stomach size will start increase. This marks are remain on your body after pregnancy. But if we can take the proper precautions then we can reduce the marks.

Prevent stretch marks during pregnancy

It is the symptoms which occur during the pregnancy when our stomach size will start increase. This marks are remain on your body after pregnancy. But if we can take the proper precautions then we can reduce the marks.[hana-code-insert name=’rectangle’ /]

Stretch mark Creams

Some creams are available in the market to reduce the marks. We have to apply the cream on the increase portion of our body during the pregnancy. We can apply this cream when we feel that our body size is increases, mostly during the second stage of the pregnancy.

Apply moisturizing creams or lotion but be extra careful in what type of creams you use. To prevent any harmful side effects, stay away from chemical based products or creams. It is advisable to get cream that possesses all natural ingredients that proven effectively prevent and reduce the appearance of stretch marks during and after pregnancy while strengthening and deeply softening your skin.

Another effective method to avoid pregnancy stretch marks is by massaging your arms, legs, breasts and abdomen gently with special pregnancy stretch mark cream. This should be done twice a day for best results.

But before using any creams on your body contact with your doctor.

Drinking Water to prevent stretch marks

Keep your body and skin hydrated by drinking lot of water during your pregnancy. The greater amount of water the skin can absorb the more elasticity of it will be retained.

Proper diet to prevent stretch marks

You need to add plenty of fruits and vegetables in your diet that are rich in silica, zinc, vitamin C and vitamin E. These vitamins and minerals are vital to make your skin stronger when skin breakages occur due to weight gain. It is better to include food that promotes skin health in your diet. Vitamins have a good diet rich in vitamins that help promote skin elasticity. Vitamins that help prevent stretch marks.

Exercise to prevent stretch marks

Carry out regular or mild exercise at least for 1-2 times in a week. However you should not try to perform exercise more than 15 minutes per workout as it can be harmful for you and the baby. Again, check with your doctor first to confirm if you can undertake some mild forms of exercise during your pregnancy.

Body Massage to prevent stretch marks

Massage the body areas where there is possibility of stretch marks to appear. The advantage of gentle massaging is that it gives your skin healthy and natural stretch. In addition, you can use olive oil for massaging which is a good source of Vitamin E. This will keep the skin flexible and prevent stretch marks during pregnancy.

Closely monitor your weight and be aware for sudden gain. This is because sudden weight gain or changes can stretch the skin more than its tolerances that cause tearing and scarring. Talk to your physician about the ideal amount of weight you should achieve for your particular body type. If you keep your weight within the desired range, you will be less likely to develop the scars.

All women are different in when their pregnancy symptoms begin or start at all. However, all concerns should always be discussed with your pre-natal care provider in order to ensure a happy, healthy pregnancy.


Breast milk is the most complete source of naturally balanced nutrition available for your baby. The only food an infant needs during the first six months of life is breast milk.


Breast milk is the most complete source of naturally balanced nutrition available for your baby. The only food an infant needs during the first six months of life is breast milk.
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Breast milk contains antibodies that protect your baby from illness. Breastfed babies tend to have fewer allergies than bottle-fed babies.

Breast milk is easier for babies to digest.

Breastfeeding can help your uterus return to normal size more quickly after delivery because of the release of the hormone oxytocin.

Breastfeeding can also help you lose weight.

Because breast milk is easier to digest, breastfed babies tend to require more feedings.

The foods you eat and the medications you take while breastfeeding can enter your baby’s system through your milk. Therefore, women often have to avoid certain foods, drinks and medications that might have a negative effect on the baby throughout the entire period of breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding can lead to sore nipples and leaky breasts