Metallic taste in mouth in early pregnancy

Metallic taste in mouth in early pregnancy

Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful phases in a woman’s life. It is the time when she feels a new life breeding inside her bringing her utmost joy and ecstasy. [hana-code-insert name=’rectangle’ /]During this phase apart from the sheer joy she experiences, she also feels little discomforts. These problems are a part of the whole package and are absolutely normal if one feels so. Among the many little discomforts that a woman feels in early pregnancy is the metallic taste in mouth. The metallic taste in mouth gives sour, bitter or acidic taste in mouth. This problem is scientifically known as dysgeusia. It is mostly experienced between the gaps in meals. The metallic taste in mouth can also lead to loss of appetite or nausea. Although the problem isn’t serious but a treatment for this problem would ensure healthy eating habits and a good appetite.

Causes behind metallic taste in mouth in early pregnancy

There can be many reasons why a woman would suffer from metallic taste in mouth in early pregnancy. Although the exact cause behind this problem has not been ascertained but it is mostly blamed on the fast production of hormones in the body. The hormone known as oestrogen gets produced rapid speed during early pregnancy. This hormone governs the sense of taste and smell. Due to the fast production of oestrogen the sense of taste and smell get imbalanced. This leads to the metallic taste in mouth.

Another reason for metallic taste in mouth in early pregnancy is the intake of antibiotics and pre-natal vitamin medication. The folic acid medications are the prime reason behind the metallic taste in mouth.

Effects of metallic taste in mouth in early pregnancy

This problem does not cause alarming health issues to the expecting mother. One side effect of this problem could be lack of appetite due to the sour or bitter taste in mouth. The unpleasant taste kills the desire of having food which could result in weight reduction or health dropping issues. This can be unhealthy for both mother and the baby. Another effect of the metallic taste in mouth could be nausea. Nausea brings the unpleasant sensation of vomiting and dizziness which could be discomforting for the would-be mother. Sometimes the metallic taste is coupled with bad breath too. This too is an unpleasant feeling. Other than these there are no major side effects of the metallic taste in mouth in early pregnancy.

Treatments for the metallic taste in mouth in early pregnancy

The treatments for this problem are given below-

  • Increasing water intake to keep the mouth wet and curb the metallic taste
  • Having fresh citrus fruit juices like lemon juice, orange juice etc.
  • Consuming vinegar marinated food
  • Brushing teeth every time you consume a meal
  • Maintaining good oral hygiene
  • Gargling with salty water
  • Using mint based mouth washes to rinse mouth.
  • Chewing mint leaves and mouth fresheners
  • Rinsing mouth with a decoction of baking soda and water

Please note that before following any of the above mentioned treatments kindly consult your gynaecologist.

Bitter taste in mouth during pregnancy

Bitter taste in mouth during pregnancy

Pregnancy brings in a whole new wave of joy and excitement in a woman’s life. Along with the joy it brings in many changes that take place in a woman’s body. They are mixed changes. Some bring in sheer joy and some bring in the discomforts. Mood swings, cramps, nausea, food craving are all part of being pregnant. These changes are inevitable and mostly make women worried or bothering. Once such change and bothering condition is the bitter taste in mouth. [hana-code-insert name=’rectangle’ /]This is not a serious issue but does make the expectant mother bother and feel uncomfortable. So let’s have a look at the causes behind the bitter taste in mouth during pregnancy.

Causes of bitter taste in mouth during pregnancy

The bitter taste in mouth during pregnancy is termed medially as Dysgeusia. This medical condition is not serious and happens commonly in pregnant women. The actual cause behind this bitter taste hasn’t been found yet. In this condition the expecting mother experiences a lasting unpleasant, bitter, sour and acidic taste in mouth. It is mostly estimated by doctors round the world that this happens due to the hormonal changes in the body which affects the sense of taste and smell of the expecting mother. There is an increase in the production of oestrogen hormone in the body. This hormone is mainly responsible for the changes in taste and smell sense. The taste buds in the mouth grow bigger during this phase and leave a bitter taste in mouth. Apart from this the antibiotics and prenatal vitamins are also a major cause for bitterness in mouth during pregnancy.

Treatment for bitter taste in mouth during pregnancy

The bad taste in mouth that happens during pregnancy sometimes causes bad breath too so it is better to treat it. The bitter taste alone is very common symptom during pregnancy and doesn’t require much of your attention, but if it affects your diet and eating habits it must be treated. The treatments for getting rid of that bitter taste are given below.

  1. Brush your teeth twice a day and use a good mouth wash every time you consume something. A minty toothpaste or mouthwash helps greatly.
  2. A solution of baking soda and water helps neutralising the pH level in mouth hence removing the bitter taste in mouth.
  3. Chewing fresh mint leaves or mind flavoured mouth fresheners are also of great help.
  4. Citrus fruit juices deal effectively with the bitter taste. Lemonade is also a good option.
  5. Using vinegar in food helps increase saliva production and helps you ward off the bitter taste in mouth.
  6. Drinking plenty of water also helps. So increase your intake of water to get rid of the bitter taste in mouth during pregnancy.

Please note that all the treatments above must be followed after consulting your gynaecologist.

How can I tell if I am pregnant?

How can I tell if I am pregnant?

Pregnancy is the most beautiful experience in a woman’s life. [hana-code-insert name=’rectangle’ /]Although there are some discomforts associated with this phase but it comes in a woman’s life with bundles of joy. The journey of those nine months is not only crucial for the mother and the baby but the father too witnesses the journey and becomes an integral part of it. There are a few very obvious symptoms and signs that show you could be pregnant. Now you no more need to worry about how you can tell if you are pregnant. Given below is a guide that will clear all your doubts.

Pregnancy symptoms to tell if I am pregnant

  • Missed periods: This is the most prominent sign that suggests you might be pregnant. If you have been sexually active and have missed a period you must get a laboratory test done of your first early morning urine sample. If the result is positive then you indeed are expecting.
  • Nausea or vomiting: This is the second most obvious sign of pregnancy. If you’ve been experiencing vomiting sensation or nausea or have been vomiting, the reason might be pregnancy. This kind of nausea in the early morning in pregnancy is called Morning Sickness. This occurs in about 50 per cent to 95 per cent women in the first week of pregnancy. Nausea in pregnancy however can happen at any time of the day too.
  • Dizziness and fainting spells: This again is a sign of pregnancy. Due to the low blood pressure during pregnancy, this symptom often occurs with many women.
  • Fatigue: Feelings of tiredness and lethargy often occur in pregnancy. This is not an alarming sign but happens to many women. This basically happens due to hormonal changes in the body.
  • Weight gain: Pregnancy brings with itself a very common symptom that is weight gain and bloating. If you feel that your clothes are becoming tighter and that you are putting on weight especially around your hips and stomach, this could be happening due to pregnancy.
  • Lower back pain: With you carrying the baby in your womb, additional weight gets pulled by your spine causing lower back pain from time to time.
  • Tender or swollen breasts: This is one symptom most women feel during pregnancy. Swelling of breasts, tenderness, tingly or sore sensation is very common. This happens as the women’s breasts start preparing them for breast feeding.
  • Constipation: Hormonal changes during pregnancy make the digestive system lazier and the movement of food slows down. This results in constipation.
  • Food cravings: Craving for a particular food more strongly than your normal days is a very common sign of pregnancy. Normally reports suggest that women crave for spicy or starchy foods during pregnancy.
  • High Basal Body Temperature (BBT): If your BTT has been staying in the higher range for 18 days or more, you could doubt a pregnancy.
  • Headaches: If you have been experiencing regular headaches before pregnancy then you must be prepared for throbbing pain during pregnancy in your head and neck. Changes in hormone levels are the major cause for such head and neck aches.
  • Mood swings: Now this one is a one of the most common symptom of pregnancy. Most women undergo major and minor mood swings in pregnancy. Having irritational tendencies, being cranky or unmanageable anger spells are all results of being pregnant.
  • Cramps: During pregnancy the uterus grows and stretches to accommodate the baby, this gives cramp spells to the would-be mother similar to the menstrual cramps.
  • Spotting: Slight bleeding or spotting could occur as the fertilised egg begins to implant itself into the uterus from 3 to 6 days of fertilisation. This generally happens outside of the normal period cycle. So women tend to confuse it with normal menstruation.
  • Darkening of areolas: The areolas if begin to darken or increase in diameter it could be a prominent sign of your pregnancy. This happens as the body prepares itself for breast feeding.

If any of the above given symptoms is what you are feeling these days, get yourself diagnosed by getting a urine pregnancy test done in a laboratory to confirm if you are pregnant. If the result is positive an immediate consultation with your gynaecologist is advisable.

Vaccine Preventable Diseases

Vaccine Preventable Diseases

DPT Vaccine

Age : This is given when your child is 1 1/2, 2 1/2 and 3 1/2 months old.

Protect From Diseases: Diphtheria, Pertussis and Tetanus.
[hana-code-insert name=’rectangle’ /]

It is an infectious disease caused by bacteria. It causes sore throat, fever, headache and loss of appetite. It can damage the heart or nervous system. In major cases death can occur.


It starts with common cold but quickly progresses to exhausting cough. During this stage child unable to breath and look anxious. It lasts for 6-8 weeks and leave the child extremely week.


The germs of these dieses are found in the soil. It acts on nervous system. It is a very painful & distressing illness which if not treated promptly can lead to death.
It can start with stiffness in the neck or spasm of the jaw and thin rapidly progresses to lead to breathing. Difficulties and sever painful spasms of the limbs or the back etc.

Polio Vaccine

Age: This is given when your child is 1 1/2, 2 1/2 and 3 1/2 months old. Also pulse polio   dose is given to the child who is under the age of 5 years.

Protect From Disease: Polio


Polio virus attack on the nervous system and can cause permanent muscles paralysis or weakness. When it affects the muscles of the chest, it can kill.

BCG Vaccine

Age: This is given after the birth.

Protect From Disease: Tuberculosis


This affects lungs. It causes cough of long duration, loss of weight and night sweats.

Measles Vaccine

Age: This is given when your child is 9 months old.

Protect From Disease: Measles


It is respiratory tract dieses which begin with fever, cough, running nose & watery eye. The rash of measles is starting on the neck and quickly spreading to the trunk and limbs. The complications occur in a fair percentage of children who feel it. These include chest infectious, fits, brain damage etc.

Homemade recipes for baby

Homemade recipes for baby

[hana-code-insert name=’rectangle’ /]

Cooked Leafy Green


1 Pound fresh greens (kale, collards etc.)

1 Tablespoon water

3 Tablespoon fruit juice


Wash Leaves thoroughly. Steam most greens 5-15 minutes, leaving the lid off for the first few minutes. Puree in blender with the water and juice.

Basic Vegetable Recipe


1 cup cooked fresh or frozen vegetables (use potatoes, green peas, carrots, and yellow squash) without salt

4-8 Tablespoons cooking liquid, formula, or water


Press vegetables chunks through a sieve or baby food mill, thinning with cooking, liquid or formula to eating consistency. Or, puree vegetables and liquid in blender until smooth. Serve or freeze. Do not add salt, sugar, or fat. After trying single foods, good combination is potatoes and carrots or carrots and peas.

Fresh Fruits


3/4 Cup ripe fruit (uncooked peaches, nectarines, banana, pears, apricot, apples)

1 Tablespoon unsweetened fruit juice

1 Tablespoon lemon-flavored water (1 tablespoon lemon juice to 1 cup water to prevent darkening)


Remove skin and seeds from fruit. Puree ingredients in baby food mill or blender until smooth. Serve or freeze. Try different varieties of fruit in the recipe.

Fruit Gel


1/2 Cup cool water
1 Tablespoon agar flakes
1-1/2 Cups fruit juice
1 Cup pureed fruit


Place water in small pan. Sprinkle in agar and stir to dissolve. Add juice and heat for 1 minute, stirring well. Pour into 4 small cups. Place in refrigerator. After 1/2 hour, stir in pureed fruit. This recipe uses fruit juice instead of sugar to add sweetness. Agar, the thickener, is derived from seaweed. It is available in natural food stores.

 Carrot/Apple Mix


1/2 Medium apple, cored and peeled ½ carrot, washed and peeled

2 Tablespoon fruit juice

1 Tablespoon lemon juice


Puree all ingredients in blender, or, grate apple and carrot and mix with juice before serving.

Precautions when you prepare food for your baby

Wash your hands before cooking the baby food.
Ensure that the fruits, vegetables and the cooking equipments are thoroughly clean.
Throw away the unfinished food as bacteria develops easily.

Precautions when you prepare food for your baby

Wash your hands before cooking the baby food.

[hana-code-insert name=’rectangle’ /]Ensure that the fruits, vegetables and the cooking equipments are thoroughly clean.

Throw away the unfinished food as bacteria develops easily.

Use microwave and steamer in preference to boiler, to cook fruits and vegetables, as they help to retain the nutritive value of the food.

Use wheat germ, mashed potato, whole grain cereals and cheese as thickeners.

Before introducing any non vegetarian meal make sure that the baby has accepted most vegetables and fruits.

Do test the temperature of the feed by touching the spoonful with the outside of your lips.

Avoid feeding nuts, raisins, unpeeled fruits, raw vegetables, popcorns, peanuts etc as they may choke the baby’s food pipe.

Canned vegetables should be avoided as they contain additives and sodium. Frozen vegetables are better.

Do not use bottle with larger nipple for liquid food items as it is bad for the teeth and develops unhealthy eating habits.

Eggs white may cause allergic reactions in babies under the age of one year so should be avoided.

Foods such as turnips, collards, spinach, beets etc reduce baby’s hemoglobin and hence should be avoided.

Microwave should not be used to warm up the food.

Fruits like oranges, pineapples and tangerines should be avoided due to their high acid content as it may be harsh on the baby’s digestive track.

Do not keep feeding your baby every time; make a proper schedule for feeding.

Diet for breast feeding mother

A baby is dependent upon his mother for all the nutritional requirements during the feeding period. For the first few months the only source of energy for the baby is breast milk. Thus the mother should decide her diet as per the baby’s requirements. Since a lot of calcium and other nutrient in the mother’s body are being engaged in the production of milk, a healthy diet is as essential for her and for baby. Caffeine and alcohol should be avoided.

Diet for breast feeding mother

A baby is dependent upon his mother for all the nutritional requirements during the feeding period. For the first few months the only source of energy for the baby is breast milk. [hana-code-insert name=’rectangle’ /]Thus the mother should decide her diet as per the baby’s requirements. Since a lot of calcium and other nutrient in the mother’s body are being engaged in the production of milk, a healthy diet is as essential for her and for baby. Caffeine and alcohol should be avoided.

Diet Includes

A lot of water, juices and other liquids should be taken so as to keep the body well hydrated.

Divide your meals into five meals i.e. breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, evening snack and finally dinner. You should eat a piece of fruit with each meal.

To avoid zinc deficiency, take a proper amount of zinc supplements. Like eggs, oats, whole wheat and meat. Mother require 15-20 milligram zinc daily.

A nursing mother require about 1200 milligram of calcium every day. Hence need to add external supplement (like Dairy products, almonds, hazelnuts and raw vegetables) with the balance diet. Because diet provides only 800-100 milligrams of calcium.

Sometimes a few food items may not suit the baby. Eliminate such a food temporarily from your diet. Onion, turnips, spices etc produce some change of taste in the milk which may not be liked by the baby. But the choice varies from baby to baby .If your baby shows any negative sign such as gas problem then you have to eliminate the food from your diet.

Baby Bath

For a newborn baby , two or three times bath in a week is enough, but you have to keep her/his diaper area well cleaned and wash her hands and face several times a day.

Baby Bath

When you need to bathe your baby depends on how old your baby is. [hana-code-insert name=’rectangle’ /]For a newborn baby , two or three times bath in a week is enough, but you have to keep her/his diaper area well cleaned and wash her hands and face several times a day.

After she is started crawling and eating her first foods, your baby require more regular bathing.  It is better to bathe your newborn baby before mealtime.

For older babies, a bath before bedtime cleans them up for the night and helps soothe them. You will need to give them a bath almost every night.

Once the cord stump has fallen off, your baby can take a real bath in the sink or a baby tub. You’ll only need about two inches of warm water to give your baby an effective bath. Before you put your baby anywhere near the water, test it with the back of your wrist or your elbow. These early baths don’t need to be long. Hold your baby firmly and gently wash away any debris or loose skin that’s accumulated.

As you wash your baby, pay attention on areas such as

  • The genital and diaper areas
  • The hands and feet.
  • Check between the fingers and toes as well.
  • The face and neck.
  • If debris has accumulated around her eyes, use a cotton ball to swab it away.